Colorado Bulldog


This boozy soda fountain treat is a White Russian with a cola top.

Colorado Bulldog cocktail in a highball glass with ice against a white background.

Food & Wine / Tim Nusog

Prep Time:
2 mins
Total Time:
3 mins

The Colorado Bulldog is a sweet, boozy, float-like cocktail calling for vodka, coffee liqueur, heavy cream and cola, to top.

This drink is essentially a White Russian with a cola addition, resulting in a grown-up soda shop float with a coffee kick. Colorado Bulldog's origins are a mystery, but the drink likely emerged in the 1980s when White Russians were particularly popular. Over the years, the buzzy treat became a cult favorite to those in the know.  

The key to combining ingredients like heavy cream and cola without curdling or creating too much fizz is first to shake all non-soda ingredients until very cold. Then, after straining into a glass, pour the cold cola very slowly to top. Stirring well after everything is combined will help as well.

This recipe can be made with a non-dairy creamer or adapted to be non-alcoholic by substituting the coffee liqueur and vodka for fresh espresso. Ratios can be adjusted to taste.

What makes the Colorado Bulldog work

Heavy cream, cola, coffee, and booze may seem at odds with one another, but the ingredients are, in fact, incredibly complimentary.

Coffee and cola share similar flavor profiles, often exhibiting baking spice notes such as cinnamon and nutmeg, with undertones of vanilla, cherries, and plums. Both coffee and cola can also be slightly acidic. The coffee liqueur in this recipe echoes cola’s rich syrupy sweet profile as well. 

Vodka and heavy cream help to temper the sweetness in the drink. The vodka also lends a sturdy backbone while the cream softens the other ingredients and provides a silky mouthfeel.

The cola in this recipe takes this drink from White Russian next-level boozy treat. The soda adds complexity, sweetness, and a lively fizz, helping to create a float-like cocktail that even Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski would approve of.


  • 1 1/2 ounces vodka

  • 1 ounce coffee liqueur

  • 1 ounce heavy cream

  • 2 ounces cola

  • Chocolate shavings, for garnish (optional)


  1. Combine all ingredients except cola and garnish in shaker filled with ice.

  2. Shake well and strain into highball filled with ice, leaving room at the top.

  3. Top with cola.

  4. Garnish with chocolate shavings or cocoa nibs, if desired.

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